Friday, February 15, 2008

Setting up this blog thing

((Editor's note: Manette, after you read this blog you may be wondering why you told me about this online posting center.))

Friday, February 15, 2008
10:25 am
So, today I'm signing up for a blog and i have to think of an amazing name cuz, it's gonna stick with my blog forever!
I'm so nervous and don't know what to title it.
This is gonna take me a while. I could write a whole blog just about this.
10:35 am
Ok, so it's been 10 minutes. I know this is lame but I've got to think of something good.
I just browsed through Manette's and some of our mutual friends blogs and they all look fantastic and amazing.
I guess I'll just have to start doing what writers do when this happens... write until something comes out.
Life through the camera lens
Love, life and movin' on
Shoot, shot and sew... (I made up this one cuz I was thinking of basketball, shooting pictures and sewing)
Ranita's grand adventures
Ranita Bonita (ooh, I kinda like that one)
"topic...If you could describe Ranae in one word what would it be?"
(This would all be so much easier if I wasn't home alone trying to think this up. Manette, you never told me about this part of setting up the blog! This is the hardest part. Oh, yeah! You told me I could call you if I had any questions... I'm gonna call you :) Dialling Manette's phone...
10:48 am
She didn't answer. In case you're all wondering... I've heard this is normal for Manette, but this hardly ever happens to me.)
Ok, so here I go again with my list.
p.s. I'll probably never post this blog, it's soo lame.
Seek and ye shall find
Write warrior write
(Ok, just so ya'll know, I have been up for 13 hours now, and I'm kinda not here now.
I think I'll take a nap and finish naming my blog later)
Ok, think I've got it... but it's pretty cheezy cuz I try not to put my name into things like this.
Random thoughts of Ranae
Ranita's randomness
Ranita's big list
Ranita's ramblings
Ranita the rambling writer
11:06 am
I really just want to be done already.
Ranita takes a dip
Ranita writes a bit
Ranita writes a lot
Ranita talks a lot
Ranita takes a shot
Ready, aim, Fire
Shoot there it is
Freak! I'm a blogger!
Ranita the frogger
Frogger the blogger
ranita in the seat
ram-a-lama bang bang!
things to share (I like this one)
hop, duck and snap
snap, hop and BANG!
snap, crop, BANG!
Snapshots ( I think I like this best! )
Snapshots worth saving
snapshots worth sharing
ok, it's now 11:16 and I'm done
Almost an hour!
Ok, so now it's taking forever to set up
we'll see how this goes.
So, believe it or not, but when I was choosing a template for my page--I chose the template that looked the most like me... and guess what the name of it was????SNAPSHOT!
Wow, this is creepy!
So, here we go... for lack of a good first blog, here's this one. I'm gonna post it.
My first adventure on this new blogging trip!
p.s. I just ran this through spell check and I only misspelled one word.. creepy! That must mean I'm a good speller.. maybe.. maybe not.

p.s. After I signed in... I found out you can re-name your blog anytime... which I figured of course.. but I'm just a perfectionist who wants things to be perfect :)


Manette said...

Haha! I love it! Welcome to the blogging community. I will be one of your most faithful readers for sure. Love ya Ranae! Sorry I didn't answer the phone when you called - I believe it was on silent because the battery was dying and I didn't want to hear it beep all day. haha. Love ya!

Manette said...

That was a really long slideshow!! I watched the whole thing though. :) Love it.

brooke said...

Haha.. that's so funny because I did the same thing last weekend and Marques was getting frustrated because he couldn't understand why I didn't just pick and name and keep it... It just has something to do with being a perfectionist and wanting something perfect

Alicia said...

Ranae! You're hilarious. I'm glad I found your blog. I'm addicted to blogging and wonder if anyone really cares, but it's a great way to connect. Keep it up. I loved your slideshow. It was fun to see your family.

Layne & Betsy's Ranch


Quints 2008